We all know someone like my friend Carol. She has done fairly well for herself and holds down a reasonable job. She works as a primary school teacher, but quite frankly her salary is nothing to write home about. Yet, (and this is the amazing thing), Carol always seems to be able to take the most remarkable holidays outside of term time. Amongst our group of friends she is known as the “supremo of cheap last minute foreign holidays” as she always seems to be away on some Caribbean cruise or safari in Africa. One of her cheap vacations last year wasn’t quite so glamorous - she visited Argentina and stayed in some metal shack type accommodation, but when you are literally booking holidays at the last second you have to be prepared to take the rough with the smooth sometimes.
All in all, I know that Carol has had some great experiences and doesn’t regret any of the holidays she has taken. She is the most travelled person I know, which can only enrich the lives of the children she teaches. A couple of months I invited Carol over to my house for dinner with an ulterior motive in mind. I had been curious about her ability to find the low-cost holidays for some time and finally my inquisitiveness had got the better of me. The moment I had served dinner I decided to ask her outright how she managed to afford so many wonderful exotic holidays each year. She stared back at me for a moment, with a somewhat perplexed look on her faced as if I was trying to pry into her soul for some dark secret she was keeping, then she merely gave the answer that I had been expecting all along. She told me she used websites like to source the best holiday at the best price. However there was more to it that this – to Carol what had started as a bit of fun had now become a regular pastime. Carol admitted that she spent a lot of her free time searching out the best deals.
Part of the reason for me asking the question of Carol was that I had a holiday planned and needed to find a cheap vacation myself. When I asked for her best tips she really surprised me. From what little she had told me so far that her methods I assumed Carol found all of her low cost holidays by searching the Internet. But this was not the case. It transpired that Carol had many contacts in the travel industry itself, and could receive a call from personal call from any one of them at any time with an offer of holiday a discounted price. Because they had known Carol for a long time, they were familiar with her requirements exactly, they were well aware of her personal situation in terms of here availability i.e. when she did not work and the fact that she would be willing to travel at a moments notice Because of Carol’s availability and willingness to travel, this made her a very good contact to have for the travel agents and this was reciprocated by the agents in that Carol’s was able to get some of the very best deals available.
If you are looking for cheap last minute foreign holidays and cheap vacations, keep a close eye on site like last That said, it is equally important to develop a close relationship with you local travel agent, making then aware of you exact requirements in terms of location and price and contact them often.
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4 Desember 2008 pukul 09.01
she used websites like <==== dibuat linknya pak. di edit .
jadi begitu orang baca tinggal klik link dari blog kita